All-Wheel Drive vs 4- Wheel Drive: Which is Best?

All-Wheel Drive vs 4- Wheel Drive: Which is Best?
All-wheel drive VS 4-wheel drive.

What is the better choice between all-wheel drive vs 4- wheel drive? Like many, you are probably surprised to learn that there is actually a difference between these 2 systems, although there are several similarities as well.

Your Volkswagen dealership in Laval, Complexe VW 440 close to Terrebonne, Montreal North and the North Shore of Montreal, tells you more about the differences between 4- wheel drive and 4x4, and all-wheel drive and two-wheel drive, on the models offered by Volkswagen Canada. But firstly, let’s do a quick overview of the terms and what they mean.

Graphic demonstration of a Volkswagen with a four-wheel drive system.


The drivetrain really translates into the way that the engine’s power is sent to the 2 or 4 wheels. Although more and more models offer all-wheel drive, several entry-level trims –both among the Volkswagen for sale in Montreal as for other manufacturers- are equipped with front-wheel drive.

When it comes to these vehicles, power is only sent to the front wheels (FWD vehicles). However, some vehicles have power sent to the rear wheels; in this case we are referring to rear-wheel drive (RWD), which is most often used on performance models.

And when it comes to 4- wheel drive vehicles or all-wheel drive vehicles, power is sent to all 4 wheels. However, although the 4 wheels receive power, these systems work differently and the power is not spread out in the same way.

The differences between 4- wheel drive and all-wheel drive

The 4x4 vehicle category – in which we often find vehicles that are focused on off-road performance –, allows for the capacity to activate or deactivate the 4x4 system according to if it is needed or not, which is the case on the highway, for example. It can, however, be activated when you are driving over rough or muddy trails, for example. The 4x4 mode spreads power evenly to all 4 wheels, which translates into 50 % at the front and 50 % at the rear.

In the case of an all-wheel d/rive system (AWD), it is permanently activated or can be activated automatically if your vehicle has an intelligent all-wheel drive system like, for example, the 4MOTION system offered by Volkswagen.

But contrary to the 4WD systems, all-wheel drive sends power to the 4 wheels individually, and not only in a 50/50 ratio. In fact, this system is able to adapt to its environment and to road conditions, and will provide your vehicle with optimal traction levels at all times.

The advantages of all-wheel drive

When comparing all-wheel drive vs 4- wheel drive systems, you will quickly notice that reactivity is heightened in the first case, in correlation to the second. This means that vehicles with all-wheel drive are more performant when it comes to traction, given that road conditions are analyzed several times per second, adjusting traction in real time, like if you were to come in unexpected contact with an ice patch, for example.  

Moreover, compared to a 2- wheel drive model, the towing capacity for a Volkswagen SUV with all-wheel drive is often significantly higher.

Man driving a Volkswagen ID.4.

The advantages of 4-wheel drive

As mentioned above, 4- wheel drive vehicles are more performant when driving over rough terrain or off the beaten path. Moreover, these systems are exceptional when trying to get out of a snowbank, for example, but beware: they simply are not as efficient on ice or any other type of situation where traction levels are inferior.

All-wheel drive vs 4- wheel drive: A summary comparison table

Performance All-wheel drive 4- wheel drive
Off-road Good Excellent
On ice Superior Inferior
Unexpected loss of traction Excellent Average
In the snow Good Excellent

Questions & Answers

Side view of the 2023 Volkswagen ID.4.

Are 4x4 systems the same as 4WD ?

The expressions “4x4” and “4WD” are interchangeable, as they both refer to a 4- wheel drive system. These terms are used to describe a vehicle whose engine power is sent to all four wheels simultaneously, thus offering added traction and improved all-terrain capabilities.

The term “4x4” is often used in everyday language to describe a four wheel drive vehicle, mostly in the context of all-terrain vehicles, trucks and SUVs. The 4- relates to the number of wheels, and the “x4” indicates that the vehicle’s four wheels receive power.

Is a 4x4 any good in the snow?

A 4x4 vehicle is generally considered performant for driving in the snow, by distributing the engine’s power to the four wheels simultaneously, which improves traction and stability levels on slippery road surfaces like snow. Moreover, 4x4 vehicles are often designed with a higher ground clearance than a front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive model, which allows to drive over deeper snow accumulations without getting stuck.

Vigilance remains key, obviously!

What is the difference between AWD and FWD?

A 2- wheel drive system like front-wheel drive (FWD) is a drivetrain system in which all of the engine’s power is sent to the vehicle’s front wheels, which are then responsible for the vehicle’s traction and propulsion. 

As for an all-wheel drive (AWD) system, it sends the engine’s power to the vehicle’s all 4 wheels, which is also spread out by an electronic control system. In some cases, the AWD system can also send power in a variable way between the front and rear wheels for optimal traction levels.

What is the difference between 4WD and AWD?

All-wheel drive is permanently sending power to front and rear wheels, which means that all 4 wheels are always working, which also translates into improved traction and stability levels for the vehicle, even when road conditions are getting worse.

As for the four-wheel drive drivetrain, the driver can choose to send power to all 4 wheels simultaneously, by activating it manually, or only to the front or rear wheels, depending on what is needed. This type of 4x4 drivetrain is frequently used on trucks, off-road SUVs and all-terrain vehicles, among others.

If you would like to find out more about the differences between all-wheel drive vs 4- wheel drive, about our current Volkswagen special offers in Laval, about Volkswagen vehicles and their towing capacities, or about our Volkswagen financing plans, come and visit us today at Complexe VW 440 in Laval, your Volkswagen dealership close to Montreal North, Terrebonne and the North Shore of Montreal!